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You're Brand is "Polar" & You're Pushing Away Your Dream Clients

You’re either right at the beginning of your business journey OR you’ve ignored the importance of building a brand for as long as possible!

Your branding is either non-existent or is scattered, inconsistent and maybe even a bit haphazard, leaving not only you frustrated but your dream clients wondering exactly who you are, what you stand for and what you actually offer. 

{A bit like what happens when you point the same magnetic poles towards each other – they repel, rather than attract!}

The result? A brand that actually pushes your dream clients away.

You know that you need some branding for your business, but honestly don’t know where to start and/or you’re overwhelmed by all the information and choices you need to make.

Don’t worry though, I’ve got some tips to help you get started…

Top Tips for Magnetising Your Brand {authentically}…

1. Create a visual identity that connects with your WHY and says “I’ve been where you are and I’m here for you!”, will inspire you to go forward.

It will also create a space of comfort and familiarity with your dream clients.

2. Choose colours and fonts to match your Brand Personality while making sure they also connect emotionally with your target audience.

Keeping things simple and timeless will allow you to create long term consistency for your Brand.

3. Review your branding annually to ensure it continues to align with your values and target audience.

Don’t be afraid to revise your branding or start afresh if need be.

Creating your Branding around these 3 tips will help you ramp up your authority while helping you connect authentically with your dream audience.

Pillars of

Brand Success

Build Strong Brand Foundations

Build strong Brand Foundations by getting clear on your Brand Values, then writing your Vision and Mission Statements. These will underpin everything you do with your branding going forward. 

Audience Alignment

When you are clear on who your audience is, you are able to pinpoint their “pain points” & offer solutions.

Knowing their internal and external problems further allows you to create your Unique Selling Point (USP) while ensuring the way you show up in your audience’s world is a positive experience overall.

Brand Personality + Messaging

Defining the personality of your brand guides the way you show up both visually and verbally – in your marketing and communications.

Visual Identity

This encompasses your logo, colours and brand typography (sometimes referred to as brand fonts).

Your Visual Identity is most often what your ideal audience sees when they first encounter your brand, so ensuring it aligns with your Brand Foundations, Ideal Audience and Brand Messaging will keep you on the right track for success

Brand Guidelines

Think of your Brand Guidelines as the rule book that keeps you, your team and every thing you do in your business on the straight and narrow.

It is what you refer back to time and time again before you embark on new services, marketing campaigns, etc…

Trying to build a successful brand without the guidelines is like a body without a skeleton, you’d be a messy blob of disorganisation struggling to get anywhere. Creating clear Brand Guidelines sets you, your team and your business up for success
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Hey there soulful one,

I’m Renée Stotz, Designer + Brand Strategist for Professionals in the Holistic Health, Wellbeing + Metaphysical spaces elevate their business through visual branding, strategy, web and funnel design.

After close to 10 years of “doing-everything-myself” for my own Complimentary Health and Virtual Assistant businesses, I eventually realised that I have a penchant for helping Heart & Spirit-led entrepreneurs get more visible while remaining true to who they are.

Since 2016, I’ve been working with heart & spirit-led entrepreneurs step authentically into their own spotlight.

I’m Renée Stotz, Designer + Brand Strategist for Professionals in the Holistic Health, Wellbeing + Metaphysical spaces elevate their business through visual branding, strategy, web and funnel design.

After close to 10 years of “doing-everything-myself” for my own Complimentary Health and Virtual Assistant businesses, I eventually realised that I have a penchant for helping Heart & Spirit-led entrepreneurs get more visible while remaining true to who they are.

Since 2016, I’ve been working with heart & spirit-led entrepreneurs step authentically into their own spotlight.

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